Learn More. Faster.
We offer case-based radiology learning, customized directly to your needs. No more general lectures or one-size-fits-all case sets. With Tethys AI, your case learning set is generated by our proprietary AI learning algorithm specifically for your needs. Now you can increase your interpretation skills as efficiently and as quickly as possible.
Expert-selected Cases
All cases in our database were reviewed by expert radiologists for learning content. Experience full-resolution radiology exams, through our web platform, on-demand, anytime. Learn in comfort without travel or time away.
Choose your learning style
Each Tethys AI module targets a specific imaging modality and body part. Buy one and quickly review what you need to know about that exam type. Or subscribe to our annual plan for unlimited learning and CME credit.
Custom Feedback
Track your learning with custom analysis of your accuracy and false positive rates. See your improvement over time as you progress through Tethys AI case modules and level up your intepretation skills.